
Here you will find old work that’s not quite up to speed with what’s happening now but still needs a home. Projects made on old equipment, ideas, software etcetera dating back to 2007.

Me Love You

A 2007 interview with American inventor Ronald Eliott in his home in Dunedin as he tours his effort to construct his own futuristic robotic love doll without income or investment. Produced in 2007 this short was the judge’s selection at the 2008 Otago TruLies Film in New Zealand

The Cost of Couteau

When the tide is at its lowest on an estuary beach teeming with life, a man finds an abandoned fishing basket among the algae and the mud. But as he begins to collect strange looking shells, he soon finds he cannot stop and faces a quickly rising sea.

Totó Interactive Installation

The interactive animation game / exhibition piece called Totó was made using Adobe Character Animator and was displayed during the 2018 Budapest Residency Exhibition. In the animation, players go on a short adventure controlling action on screen with a touch screen and webcam.

Behind the scenes I control music and create character voices live, customized to the player’s choices. The result is a unique game-like interaction that takes advantage of a living dungeon master’s ability to adapt to any player action. Currently this demo is for two people to play at a time.

The game pushes Character Animator to new limits, Totó is unlike any game you’ve played!


A collection of photos that look like faces found by oddforms and other collectors who have submitted them, some are better than others. When you start to look for them – they are everywhere!

Got a good one? Send it to

Alaskan Trail Safety

In Alaska, off-highway vehicles are a part of everyday commuting life and must share multi-use trails with all types of land transport from dog sleds to mopeds. Managing this shared resource is further complicated by an independent spirit in Alaska that can be sometimes a bit sensitive to laws regarding personal safety and being told what to do by the government. This quick ad, produced as a volunteer while in Anchorage, played off those caveats to deliver a simple safety message.

Horseshoe Crabs

This short educational video and some printed outreach materials was made for Gateway National Recreation Area park while working as a 6 month volunteer with the Park Service in 2011. It was more like an ‘on the side’ deal so production value is a bit lacking. A fun summer with the Horseshoes none-the-less.

Previous Portfolio

A free hosting service has kept my old portfolio online* for almost 20 years. Drawings from as far back as high school, and other misc projects.
